Short things are sweet always !



The most wanted secret I really want to know is the universe !

What a mysterious thing. It is huge than anything , we can see it in blue red pink green and any color. As humans we have solved the problems that we were searching for in million years ago. Its not all about the moon, the galaxy , the solar system but black holes.

When the start ? When the end?

No one knows. No one will never find.

Do not think too much about the sky. To this huge place you are not even worth as a little star.

Overthinkers always think about how this huge thing works.

So am I !

Why lord buddha  stopped Moggallana Tero from exploring about the sky ?

Why the lord did not tell people about what the truth was...

I became an astronaut (kind of) because um in A SPACE  🙂💁🙄✍

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